Meet our Nemeses

Hi everyone,
We are finally able to reveal our 5 Nemeses, as requested by many.

Liliana Bandit Warlord and her Companion Baastri
On the warpath against the nobility that she decries as corrupt and greedy, Liliana and her mercenary army are a grave threat to the established gentry. Once, she was dismissed as a mere bandit threat, something for local authorities to concern themselves with. Now, her empire greedily devours countries and counties, tearing down the wealth and power of landed lords and uplifting the common folk. Will you join with Liliana—whether in service to republican idealism or simply to line your own pockets—and help her overthrow the nobility? Or will you defy her illegitimate rule, halt her conquests in the name of the true rulers, and bring her to lordly justice?

Hoonordel, the Mad Geneticist
The world has ever been a dangerous place, haunted by unsettling monsters. But some things are beyond mortal or even immortal ken, foul things that have no place in nature’s design. And yet, these aberrations now multiply throughout the region, spreading, infecting, consuming. They must come from somewhere beyond the world itself. Unless… they were made, somehow. But who would commit such atrocities, create such monsters? Who could?

Dore’ni, The Eternal Night
For as long as mortals have preyed upon each other, there have been vampires. In these enlightened times, we expect organised vampire societies; lords of the night in cocktail attire, sipping delicately at wasted veins, or packs of blood-sucking beasts hunting the dark alleys like the dark woods of earlier eras. But there was a time when vampires were yet unknown, a tale told in terror and whispered in woe. A predator of the night, utterly lethal and cruelly thirsting. In these enlightened times, though, who truly believes in such horrors?

Sebastian Polik, Thief of Magic
The act of ownership, the mere concept, casts the shadow called theft. The hard-earned money of one is the easy-lifted coin of another. Sebastian Polik… is not that type of thief. There is nothing easy about his work, and his heists are boundless in their complexity, their ambition, and their flair. There is no lock he cannot pick, no safe he cannot crack, no guardian menacing enough or fortress impregnable enough to deter him from his latest obsession. Will you try to capture he who has never been captured… or outfox the slyest fox that ever foxed, and claim his prize for your own?

Mikael, the Aeon of Providence
The gods’ ultimate creation… or their greatest mistake? Among those scholars who have cause to suspect its existence, some would say the former, many the latter; and no small number would say it is both. But none would dare to deny its terrifying power. This weapon of destruction, forgotten even by the gods whose wrath it was wrought to embody, bides its time in its sealed vault. Waiting to be set loose upon the fallen world. Waiting to fulfill its Apollyonic purpose.